March 2018 – Retreats, Rewriting, Recording

2018 has been a busy year so far!

Following on from another successful series of concerts for the homeless charity Crisis At Christmas, January brought the usual sniffles and Life Admin chores such as Tax Returns and Car Insurance renewal.

However, the 7-day Spring Peak District Retreat I am teaching on April for London Songwriters is effectively sold out and so I have had time to do some rewriting and prepare for recording a batch of tracks for release and sync-pitching later in the year.

Chateau De Thouzxon  La Sorgue

I am also looking forward to finishing edits on some atmospheric tracks I filmed last year in the South Of France (pics above)  and releasing the resultant videos.

Great to be progressing some new music and getting the studio ready for recording.

Busy, busy, busy!

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