June 2017 – Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring and Recording!

2017 has been a busy year so far!

The 7-day Spring Peak District Retreat I taught and facilitated for London Songwriters in April was a huge success – 12 writers plus myself bonded over Songwriting and Suppers in the middle of the beautiful Derbyshire Countryside. We had a great time discussing songcraft, writing over 40 songs, walking through the local villages and pastures or simply chillaxing.

Murray Webster Derbyshire Songwriting Retreat

Murray Webster Derbyshire Songwriting Retreat

Murray Webster Derbyshire Songwriting Retreat

Next up, and alongside the popular half-day Collaboration and Songshare workshops in London, I will be teaching and facilitating once again on the July Songwriting and Recording Summer Camp 2017 in Box Hill, Surrey, and this will be my eighth retreat in two years. Last year’s sold-out event garnered enthusiastically positive testimonials as have all my retreats and the 2017 Camp only has ONE PLACE LEFT with two months to go!

Murray Webster Teaching London Songwriters Summer CampIt’s gratifying to watch Workshop and Retreat attendees producing better and better songs, scheduling showcases and their own EP/album releases as well as continuing to collaborate and record outside the sessions.

Over the Summer I will once again be mentoring groups of young people in Music Skills for three days at a time at NCS for the Team Challenge part of their four-week course.

I am also mentoring individual songwriters, so if you feel the need for some experienced 1-2-1 feedback do get in touch! See the Workshops link for testimonials.

Amidst the work organising the workshops I am also finding time to record and video a backlog of songs built up recently including some location shots in the South Of France where I am currently on holiday – I hope to release some more tracks of my own soon!

Chateau de Thouzon - Murray Webster 2017

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