June 2019 – Meeting Your Heroes

One of my great songwriting heroes has always been Sugar Miami Steve Van Zandt aka Little Steven aka E Street Band guitarist and producer aka Silvio Dante of The Sopranos.

The aspect I’ve always loved is the spellbinding mix of garage rock energy and soulful music and lyrics as manifested in the 1970s Southside Johnny and The Asbury Jukes records (plus a triumphant return in the 1990s with Better Days) as well as his solo records as Little Steven and The Disciples Of Soul. The latter became more political and rock-influenced in the 1980s until a hiatus of more than 20 years culminated in a 2016 return to a 15-piece touring and recording band replete with 5 horns and 3 female backing singers. Powerful stuff and a great source of inspiration for my own material.

I met him at the Hard Rock Cafe in London the night before he played the latest Summer Of Sorcery songs at The Forum in Kentish TowLittle Steven and London Songwritersn, London.








Apart from that highlight, this year has been incredibly busy with devising and delivering some 3-part evening courses on Lyric and Melody writing for London Songwriters, one of the best Derbyshire retreats yet in April, our 10th Anniversary in May and then participating in the MIDEM music industry event in Cannes for the second year.

We are coming up to our 2019 Summer Songwriting and Recording Camp in Box Hill Surrey at the end of August – follow the link if you want a great value, inspiring week of Songwriting Sorcery and Musical Magic!

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