July 2020 – A Challenging Year So Far

To state the obvious it’s been a challenging year so far and we all hope that prospects will get better as we move forward.

It was nice to record a session of 4 songs live for my friend David Fee and his Homesong initiative. This will be broadcast on 23rd July at 1pm on Facebook.Murray Webster Homesong

With venues shut my London Songwriters events have continued online, particularly the 3 and 4 part Lyric and Melody Writing Courses. I love teaching and student feedback has been enthusiastic.

“I’ve taken 5 different workshops in the past 3 years & have never seen a facilitator approach this subject with such a straightforward method of analysing song structure in order to replicate successful writing techniques.”

Let’s look forward to encouraging times ahead!

See www.LondonSongwriters.org for details

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