Workshops and Album Cuts!

April, May and June’s London Songwriters meetups continued the fun and productive sessions of the first three months of the year with good attendances, great collaborations and songshares. The collaboration themes were ‘Success’, ‘Courage’ and ‘Liberation’ respectively – somehow I find that inspiring and positive themes bring out the best in writers for these tasks!

I am also continuing to run a small fortnightly SongCircle group for 8 songwriters looking to improve and get feedback on their songs. These are practical, great fun and allow us to analyse songs in greater depth than our monthly meetups. Feedback has been more than enthusiastic – head over to the London Songwriters link on this site for testimonials.

I am continuing my own education by studying for a Community Workshop PTLLSĀ  teaching qualification and this will help inform the work I already do.

In other news I was also delighted to have one of my own songs included on the excellent alternative Nub country Records football compilation album Eat My Goal! out on June 9th.

Exciting times!

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