Beatles Day…continued

Following on from my last post my best friend’s older sister Barbara has confirmed that it was ‘Another Beatles Christmas Show’ that I saw sometime between Christmas and New Year 1964, so I would have been 5, soon to be 6 in January 1965. She would have been 15 and has confirmed that she was indeed a screamer and doesn’t remember too much about it either 🙂 My mum applied for 6 tickets, thinking there was no chance…

From the Beatles Bible

‘The guest performers including Freddie And The Dreamers, Sounds Incorporated, Elkie Brooks, The Yardbirds, Michael Haslam, The Mike Cotton Sound and Ray Fell.

The Beatles appeared in two sketches, one with Freddie Garrity of Freddie And The Dreamers, and another with Jimmy Savile. They closed the shows with an 11-song set: Twist And Shout, I’m A Loser, Baby’s In Black, Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby, Can’t Buy Me Love, Honey Don’t, I Feel Fine, She’s A Woman, A Hard Day’s Night, Rock And Roll Music and Long Tall Sally.’

So there you go!


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