…was a year of big changes and a lot of time devoted to organising London Songwriters.
We ran 14 meetups throughout the year including some that were oversubscribed by as many as 20. The membership has grown to around 1200. David Stark came and spoke to us about SongLink and all things pitching – we appreciate his support. Finally, we had a gratifying fundraising community concert in aid of the homeless charity Crisis At Christmas on 28th December which had everybody clapping, singing and dancing along.
An absolute personal highlight was being presented with my Masters degree in Songwriting at Bath Spa University in July followed by a great weekend of wild river swimming in the Avon.
I went on a number of great music seminars throughout the year, managed a nice long holiday in France and have come to the end of the year tired but in one piece.
Next year will bring many challenges but bring them on!
Happy New Year!